Community Partnerships
Helping a child be ready to succeed in school is most important during the first five years of a child’s life. Barriers like poverty and structural racism result in unequal access to early learning information and opportunities, meaning many children begin Kindergarten “behind” their peers. To eliminate this opportunity gap, the early learning system must provide information about how children learn to parents and caregivers, enabling them to help children develop the skills needed to succeed. To make this vision a reality, we work in partnership with community members and organizations supporting families and the early learning system.
Early Learning Collaboration & Advocacy
We are active in neighborhood, city, county, regional and state collaborations. Child Care Resources plays a leadership role in King County’s Early Learning Coalition and Strengthening Families Washington, where we partner with the Department of Early Learning and the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction.
We strive for racial equity within CCR and support others working for equitable access to early learning and other resources. Some of our partners include: Minority Executive Directors Association, Non-Profit Anti-Racism Coalition and Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition.
We support regional and statewide advocacy by providing data and sharing stories we hear from families and child care providers to inform legislators and policy makers. Some of our partners include:
Cradle to Career Initiatives
We bring family voice and the early learning perspective to Collective Action and Cradle-to-Career initiatives such as the Community Center for Education Results’ Road Map Project, Eastside Pathways and White Center Promise all of which are striving to support children’s success in school by working together in new ways.